Welcome to The Bravo Book website

At the end of every act, the audience reward the actors with an enthusiastic round of applause as a means of congratulations for a job well done. The round of applause is meant to be sincere and brief and have an air of encouragement and appreciation. So should be your Bravo Note.

The Bravo Note can forge and show your supported actor how proud you are with their act. A bravo note from fellow classmates will show a sense of camaraderie, achievement and support from classmates and teachers. Needless to say how much the bravo note means when it is coming from parents and family friends.

A note to a specific actor or to all the cast is always appreciated. The Bravo note tells a lot.

Tell them how proud you are

Show a sense of camaraderie

How the role reflects on their Future

Those notes you are submitting will be printed in the bravo book and will be distributed to all the show attendees. (Click for a sample copy)

Click on the image below to support the SJA Drama club. Start writing your Bravo note and dedicate it to your favorite stars and actors.

Many Thanks for the sponsors, who helped funding and keeping this project alive.

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