As a sponsor, you will help support the drama club students and will promote your business as well.


More Online Exposure

Parents and friends writing their Bravo note to the cast, will be able to see your company name and advertisement scrolling at the top of the registration page.

Two Months Exposure

Your name and banner will continue to show on the site for 2 months along with a link to your website (Serves well as a back link for SEO purposes)

Support Drama Club

Every Year we have a drama production, and your contribution will help in funding the existing production, and all future productions. Thank you for your support.

As was done last year, we would like to ask your help in defraying the costs of producing this wonderful show and all the pieces and parts that go into such a production, including the program booklet. The program booklet includes paid greetings (bravo’s and brava’s) to Drama Club members from family and friends as well as advertisements placed by business supporters. If you know of any business owners who would like to place an ad in our program or you (or your family or friends) would like to congratulate the students on their hard work on this production, we would welcome your contributions.



Many Thanks for the sponsors, who helped funding and keeping this project alive.

Choose how you want to sponsor from the options below

Sponsors Application Form

We look forward to showing your business on the printed copy of the bravo book and display it as a banner on our website. To be able to accomplish that we will need a copy of your company logo or how you want your banner to appear, by attaching or dragging a JPG or PDF file to the green box at the end of the form.

Sponsor Full Name
Company Name
Website Name
Cell Phone
Any Special notes you want to post

Select / Drag files you want to UPLOAD Here

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